Celestial Body Scrubs
Celestial Body Scrubs
Celestial Body Scrubs
Celestial Body Scrubs
Heartshake Studios

Celestial Body Scrubs

Regular price $24.00


Crafted with intention, our products are a devotion to quality, unified with our love for the human experience. By Magic Fairy Candles!

20 oz each. Ingredient list:

Road Opener: Organic vegetable glycerine, organic shae butter, organic vitamin rich oils, non-gmm soy wax, organic sugar, dead sea salt, organic botanicals, organic essential oils: Lemongrass, Eucalyptus, Sage, Peppermint & Basil, cross roads dust, encasing a crystal charged under the full moon.

Catalyst: Organic vegetable glycerine, organic shae butter, organic vitamin rich oils, non-gmm soy wax, organic sugar, dead sea salt, organic botanicals, organic essential oils: Cedar, Geranium & Grapefruit, encasing a crystal charged under the full moon.

Full Moon Release: Organic vegetable glycerine, organic shae butter, organic vitamin rich oils, non-gmm soy wax, organic sugar, dead sea salt, organic botanicals, and organic essential oils: lavender and sage.

New Moon Intentions: Organic vegetable glycerine, organic shae butter, organic vitamin rich oils, non-gmm soy wax, organic sugar, dead sea salt, organic botanicals, organic essential oils: Rosemary, Tea Tree, Mint, and Orange.

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